Abrus Precatorius Linn | گھونگچی

Abrus precatorius Linn.
Family: Papilionaceae
Arabic Name(s): Shisham, Batrah-Hindi
Urdu Name(s): Ghongchi, Ratti, Chanothi, Rattion
English Name(s): Jequirity
The part being used
In third-order, warm and dry.
Properties and Functions (Pharmacological Actions)
Internally, due to their highly toxic effects, the seeds are not used much. In external use, the seeds possess detergent, resolvent, corrosive and desiccative actions. Sex stimulant in embrocations. Internally in very small (prescribed/ recommended) doses as nervine, irritant- stimulant, aphrodisiac, purgative,
abortive, emetic.
Specific Action
Externally detersive, resolvent, desiccative and corrosive. Internally stimulant.
Medicinal Uses
Seeds powdered rubbed with Plumbago zeylanicaLinn. the root is applied over the affected parts in psoriasis and leucoderma. Continuous daily application with Chaulmoogra oil for about a month cures leprosy as well as such diseases. In water, seeds are made into a paste which is then applied over contusions to reduce swelling and pain. Also applied on site of stiffness of shoulder-joints, pain in sciatica, paralysis
and other nervous affections and inflammations, to reduce the pain and to resolve them. For treating pannus in cornea seeds powder is used as collyrium. Pannus is the corneas that occur due to the irritation of the granulation in granular lids and conjunctivitis. But at first, this application causes purulent ophthalmia and gradually this inflammation ceases treating the basic disorder. But the method is not advised to be practiced at large for it is regarded as extremely dangerous. It is applied to putrefied ulcers, wounds, and haemorrhoids, being desiccative and corrosive.
On the nervous system,
seeds powder boiled with milk have a
powerful aphrodisiac and tonic action. However, this
property is not of much use and the seeds are included in oily preparations and embrocations for irritative stimulation of the
relative organs.
Compound Preparations
Tila-i-Urusak (both white and red varieties seeds), Roghan ‘Ajeeb.
In suitable base, in external application approximately 60-180 mg.
Alhagi maurorumMedic. (Turanjbin), Fresh coriander.
Psoralea corylifoliaLinn., and both varieties for each other are tenedium (red for white and vice versa).
According to the color of seeds, there are three varieties: red (which is mentioned here), white and black. Purulent ophthalmia (in some specific eye disorders) is caused by seeds powder that is used as collyrium therefore only experienced Hakims with great care administer it. A substitute for liquorice root has been referred to be used but, because of toxic manifestation this use does not seems justified.

Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf. ex Holmes | بچھناگ

Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf. ex Holmes
Syn.: Aconitum napellus Linn.,
A. napellus Linn. var. hians P. Bruhl(2) Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir.
Syn.: A. napellus Linn. var. rotundifolium H. & T.
(3) Aconitum violaceum Stapf.
Syn.: A. napellus H. & T.
(4) Aconitum violaceum var. robustum Stapf.
Syn.: A. napellus H. & T.
Family: Ranunculaceae
Arabic Name(s): Besh
Urdu Name(s): Bichnag, Bishnak, Mitha Tilia
English Name(s): Aconite
Parts Used
In fourth-order, warm and dry.
Functions and Properties (Pharmacological Actions)
Sedative, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anodyne, febrifuge, and tonic. It stimulates all sensory nerveendings and is antirheumatic, antineuralgic. Diuretic and local anesthetic, local anesthetic, emmenagogue, especially active against phlegmatic disorders and atrabilious, it is a counter-irritant.
Specific Action
Atrabilious-anti phlegmatic (for atrabile), antipyretic, antidote, a local anesthetic. Against `all’ human disorders detoxified `Aconite’ is
considered active.
Medicinal Uses
Against all such fevers which are due to inflammations, it is described as effective and acts as useful diuretic local sensitivity is lessened by it. It relieves fever and alleviates pain in pleurisy and pneumonia.
It is
effective against neuralgic pains particularly tic doloreaux, sciatica, migraine, etc externally. It proves to be useful in tonifying the
external genitals for it is included in
embrocations at a place where increased sensitivity is required to be diminished. It gives excellent results in amenorrhoea which is due to cold mal humour it proves useful in atrabiliousphlegmatic disorders like leucoderma, leprosy, asthma, and chronic ulcers.
Compound Preparations
Hab-e-Nuqra, Hab-e-Rahat, Johar-e-Yabruj, Al-Ahmar, Dawai-Dipti Saheb, Hab- Miskeen Nawaz,
Use 15 mg. to 30 mg. (approximately).
And to cause vomiting, leaves of Ricinus Communis Linn. Tenedium
Jadwar(Delphinum denudatumWall.).
A drastic poison and counter-irritant, nondetoxified `Aconite’, irritates intestines and stomach and may cause breathlessness, spasm affects the respiration badly, causes organs to become weak23 and patient may become faint. Its antidote(as well as Delphinium
denudatumWall. and Capparis decidua(Forssk.) Edgew. root) is Strychnine. Before being mixed with herbal preparations, It must be detoxified.

Abroma Augusta Linn. الٹ کمبل

Abroma Augusta Linn.

Family: Sterculiaceae

Arabic Name(s): Sterculiaceae

Urdu Name(s): Ulat-Kambal, Olatkambol الٹ کمبل

English Name(s): Devil’s Cotton

Parts Used

Root bark (aqueous extract), roots, leaves, and stem.


In the first order, warm and dry.

Functions and Properties (Pharmacological Actions)

Uterine tonic, emmenagogue, diuretic, resolvent.

Specific Action

Emmenagogue, uterine tonic.

Medicinal Uses

Generally, given in cases of menstrual disorders, reputed emmenagogue, particularly in various dysmenorrhoea’s types and pain in menstruation, is administered. Also, it relieves functional uterine debility merits, to treat sterility in women and
leucorrhoea. Menstrual flow is regulated by single administration (douche)

(If given two days before menstruation, the desired effect is produced ) It acts as a uterine tonic. In cold water, infusion of the fresh stems and leaves is very effective in gonorrhea. During the menses, single administration is regarded as effective as it brings the conception in young married women.

Compound Preparations

Along with other herbal ingredients, Masturin is administered.


Aqueous extract or fresh viscid juice (approximately 70 ml) of bark (2-4 grams) before breakfast as douche or twice a day.


Sikanjbin(Vinegar syrup and honey and in water), Sour food articles (citrus juice).


Peganum harmalaLinn. (Ispand/Harmal), Ruta graveolensLinn. (Sudab), Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn. (Pershiaoashan). Valeriana officinalis Linn. (Bachar).


Indigenously from an early date, however, the natural drug has been used. the major reason behind its non-popularity is the non-availability of published work on its ethnopharmacology, ethnobotany, and chemical composition appear to be. As a valuable fiber-yielding plant, the shrub has long been known.