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Saffron | Zafran | Kesar | Crocus Sativus

 900 8,100

  • Saffron is an anticonvulsant and digestive.
  • It helps in producing blood cells.
  • It is an antidepressant.
  • Diabetes is combated by it.
  • It gives a glowing complexion as it has natural skin-lightening qualities.
  • It promotes the overall well-being of the body by preventing diseases.


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    A very popular and expensive spice saffron/Zafran (زعفران – کیسر) is also known as Crocus Sativus, Its taste makes it great for usage in making beverages and food such as refreshments. The unique, color, flavor, and other properties of Saffron give it medicinal and culinary characteristics. These make it renowned all over the world. It is a native of the South European regions and belongs to the Iridaceae family.

    Benefits of Saffron:

    • It promotes the overall well-being of the body by preventing diseases.
    • The part of the plant from which saffron is obtained has essential but volatile oils which are added to food and thus, impart unique flavor and benefits, as a spice of saffron. Some of these oils are pinene, cineole, geraniol, borneol, etc.
    • It is used in various sorts of therapies like detoxification, body healing, and also in spas.
    • It is an antidepressant.
    • Saffron is an anticonvulsant and digestive.
    • Good for the treatment of blood pressure and heart diseases.
    • It helps in producing blood cells.
    • The overall mineral content present in saffron is vitamins, calcium, proteins, etc. that ensure optimum maintenance.
    • Saffron oil is working all over the world, to help control obesity and help people getting back into shape, by controlling their appetite.
    • Saffron is commonly used to treat asthma and other respiratory ailments such as whooping and loosen phlegm.
    • Saffron extract is known to help reduce stress, to treat depression, and to be a mood enhancer. It is widely used against the growing menace of insomnia, in combating Alzheimer’s disease and used to fight today’s highly common stressed lifestyle habits.
    • Women can use saffron for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual cramps and men can use it to deal with premature ejaculation and to promote fertility. Overall, saffron has done much service in treating complex sexual ailments.
    • Diabetes is combated by it.
    • It gives a glowing complexion as it has natural skin-lightening qualities.
    • Saffron has antifungal content that makes it effective to treat blemishes, acne, and blackheads.
    • Saffron holds healing properties that are amazing enough to go a long way in healing wounds, spots for a blemish-free skin tone, and remove scars.
    • Saffron is beneficial for hair and helps in combating hair and loss stimulating hair growth.

    Side effects:

    As a medicine, Saffron is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth for up to 6 weeks, for most people. Some possible side effects include anxiety, dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, change in appetite, nausea and. In some people, allergic reactions can occur.

    Large amounts of saffron intake by mouth is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. High doses can cause poisoning, including vomiting; bloody diarrhoea; the yellow appearance of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes; numbness; numbness; dizziness; bleeding from the lips, nose, and eyelids, and other serious side effects. Doses of about 12-20 grams can lead to death.

    Pregnancy and breast-feeding:

    Taking saffron by mouth in larger amounts than the normal amount found in food is LIKELY UNSAFE. Larger amounts of saffron might cause a miscarriage followed by making the uterus contract.

    During breastfeeding, not enough is known about the safety of using saffron. So, avoid use and stay on the safe side.


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